Give back to your garden by providing it with mulch
Reduce the amount of weed growth and retain water in the soil
You can diminish the adverse effects of dried up top soil by adding a decent layer of mulch around your garden beds and prevent roots from drying up around trees
Mulch also enriches the soil and when it decomposes it maintains a great drainage structure
At Tree Fellas we often end up with an excess of good quality, fresh tree mulch from clients who don’t require it for their own gardens. On occasion we can offer this mulch to commercial and residential properties free of charge. If you’d like to go on our waiting list for a delivery for next time one of crews fill up in your area then please let us know.
Give us a call: 0508 TREE FELLAS
Mulch is used on garden beds and trails. Mulched gardens can withstand drier conditions than un-mulched gardens and are much healthier. Mulching your garden about once a year will save you time weeding, watering and reducing some pest problems in your garden.
We will advise and assess if the mulch from your tree work is worth keeping for your garden as not all mulch is good for your garden. Anything that contains palm, bamboo, weed species or diseased plants would not be suitable and Tree Fellas would dispose of this type of mulch correctly and offsite. In these situations, Tree Fellas would be able to provide you with suitable mulch from our supplier.
Please note: When placing mulch around your trees you should always leave a small gap between the base of the tree and the mulch to avoid rotting the base of the trunk.
Tree Removal
One of our specialties. Our qualified, experienced staff can remove your tree (including palms), big or small safely and efficiently.
Stump Grinding
We have a range of stump grinders to rid your property of tree stumps, big and small, or in confined spaces.